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Amazon Sponsored Brand Video Ads

Reach potential buyers with powerful brand videos!

Since the beginning of this year, a beta test program has been running on the US marketplace for the new Sponsored Brand Video Ads advertising format. Now the advertising format is also available for the European marketplaces. 

What are Sponsored Brand Video Ads?

The well-known Sponsored Brands advertising format is supplemented with the new format by a purchase-influencing and attention-grabbing feature: image or product videos. In addition to the product image-based Sponsored Brand ads, video content can now be presented to the customer here.

It has been shown time and time again that videos are more effective at capturing customer attention and interaction with products than the more static formats of images and text.

Sponsored Brand Video Ads make your brand stand out even more from the rest of the offer on Amazon, helping customers to engage with your brand faster and more intensively. The ads are already displayed on the search results page, so you can target your customers more effectively with your brand during the search.

The ads are targeted at keywords and, like traditional sponsored ads, are based on cost-per-click. Customers are taken directly to the product detail page, where they can learn more about the brand and the product and buy directly.

Source: www.amazon.com

Sponsored Brand Video Ads Guidelines

To avoid rejections and achieve optimal results with your ad, Amazon's guidelines apply here as well. Below is a summary of the most important tips for sponsored brand video ads:

- Address the needs of your target group with the video. This leads to better interaction with the product and increases conversion.

- Adhere to format specifications to avoid poor quality or abrupt video termination.

- Short and concise videos with a length of 15-30 seconds. The video content should show the product in everyday use.

- On-screen texts let your video message speak for you even when muted.

What effect do we expect?

Initial tests in the USA are extremely interesting and may herald a change in the field of Amazon advertising. The interaction and attention of videos are comparatively high. On the one hand, the format is new and the potential customer sticks with it - it stands out. On the other hand, a video also provides the opportunity to explain complex information extremely quickly and to emotionalize it at the same time.

In our opinion, the wheat will be separated from the chaff very quickly. Initially, it will be mainly the big players that will launch and come up with video ads. In the next step, capable start-ups will follow and also profit from it. However, the broad mass of sellers and vendors will probably need years to jump on the bandwagon - on the one hand for cost reasons and on the other for lack of resources.

Either way, the topic of video will dominate ads in the future, similar to social media. This gives everyone an advantage who already deals with the topic and sets the right course.

We at ICONIC have been building an internal video team for months for exactly this reason. We have now actually managed to automate video production. That means we can create 400 individual videos automatically with just a few clicks. Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more.

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