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3.000 Euro
to children's hospice

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Presentation of a check by Stefan Gutheil to Kinderhospiz hochformat

3.000 EURO donation

To children's hospice

The service partner from Schorndorf is foregoing customer gifts this year and donating to a good cause.
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Christmas is just around the corner, the cookies are baked, the house is festively decorated and gifts are procured. One looks forward to this festive, beautiful and love-filled time. But what about those who can't enjoy this time as much? Perhaps because they are seriously ill and are preparing to say goodbye or are coming to terms with the loss of a loved one?

"Ideally, we would like to be on the spot with ICONIC SALES and personally bring joy to these people" describes the founder & CEO of ICONIC GmbH, Stefan Gutheil. "Since the possibilities to help are unfortunately limited due to the Corona pandemic, we thought of another solution: This year, we have waived Christmas gifts for customers and would like to pass on a monetary donation of € 3,000 to those in need who really need support. That's why ICONIC SALES is supporting the Malteser Children's and Youth Hospice Service Ostalb and Heidenheim."
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A matter of the heart

Managing Director Stefan Gutheil hands over the donation check to the Malteser Children's and Youth Hospice Service Ostalb and Heidenheim, represented by the children's and youth bereavement counselor Corina Hetzel. "The outpatient hospice service, based in Aalen, takes care of children and young people who need support from adults in their everyday lives. Whether they themselves are affected by life-shortening illnesses, or a family member is seriously ill or has already died, the hospice service staff accompany affected children and their families through the difficult situations. ICONIC SALES is proud to be able to support these diverse and free services!" explains Gutheil.

With the donation ICONIC enables the Malteser Hospizdienst:

  • Training and further education of the main and honorary employees

  • Free bereavement camps for the families

  • Projects at schools as well as children's mourning groups
"We are very happy about this generous donation, which enables us to give life more life and to give time to those affected, which is priceless" rejoices the children and youth bereavement counselor Corina Hetzel.

Donation account

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District Savings Bank Ostalb
IBAN: DE44 6145 0050 0800 0244 44
Keyword: Children and youth hospice service
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Strong partner in the region

ICONIC SALES not only supports regional relief efforts, but also creates jobs for more than 40 employees from the Ostalbkreis, Rems-Murr Kreis and Stuttgart catchment areas. Even during the Corona pandemic, Gutheil offers secure and attractive jobs with its medium-sized online marketing company.

ICONIC GmbH is the first address when it comes to success on Amazon. As Germany's probably largest Amazon full-service partner, it makes manufacturers and brands even more successful on Amazon and, with over 40 experts, is among the leading agencies in the official Amazon agency program. ICONIC SALES helps regional small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to succeed on Amazon and is less an agency or service provider, but much more a partner at eye level, offering vision and expertise.

More than 150 customers already trust in ICONIC SALES, among them big brands like the Schwäbisch Gmünder company Nubert, Jochen Schweizer, NICI, Pustefix, Tipp-kick and Slimfast. Whether it's professionally optimized content, Amazon advertising, Amazon full service or automatic content creation: ICONIC SALES is the external Amazon team for its customers and covers all Amazon areas 100% in-house. In the new website of ICONIC SALES you can discover the range of services and the associated advantages of the company: www.iconic-sales.com.

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